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Safety is a foundational value at Metrolink and is at the heart of our daily operations — from keeping our communities safe around our moving trains to ensuring our riders feel safe and secure throughout their journeys with us. Together, we can ensure everyone's safety on and around our trains.

be alert. Use all your senses at crossings.

Vehicles at train crossings and trespassers walking on tracks account for 95% of all rail-related deaths. Nearly all are preventable. Don’t become a statistic. Be aware of railroad tracks and crossing gates when walking or driving and follow these important, life-saving tips:

  • Never walk around or behind lowered gates at a crossing and do not cross the tracks until the lights have stopped flashing.
  • Never try to beat a train. Trains travel faster than they appear, and it takes the average train going 55 mph more than a mile to stop. By the time a locomotive engineer sees a person or vehicle on the tracks, it is too late.
  • Trains can come from either direction so always look both ways at crossings.
  • Stay alert around railroad tracks. Don’t use your phone or wear headphones. Avoid any other distractions that would prevent you from hearing or seeing an approaching train.
  • Never take photos or videos on or near railroad tracks. It’s not only dangerous, but it’s also illegal to be on the railroad right of way – this includes tracks, bridges, tunnels, signal towers and other facilities.
  • More than 50% of people who die while walking on railroad tracks have alcohol or drugs in their system. Always make responsible decisions with your safety in mind.

Stay Alert at Crossings

Put your phone away. Remove your headphones. Look both ways before crossing.

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  • Always pay attention to announcements made by the train crew.
  • Always use the handrail when boarding and leaving the train. Please watch your step.
  • Always hold the handrail when climbing or descending the stairs on board the train or at the station.
  • Always use the set handholds when standing or moving with the train car.
  • Once onboard the train familiarize yourself with the emergency exits and emergency procedures poster.
  • Always collect all of your belongings and move toward the exit as soon as your station stop is announced.
  • Never lean on the doors or hold them open.
  • Never put your hands or any objects between closing doors.
  • Never run on or toward the station platform.
  • Always wait behind the line while standing on the platform. Do not cross the line until the train is stopped and the doors open.
  • Train stops are brief. Board immediately.
  • Pay attention to any audible/visual announcements from station message boards regarding delays, warnings, or other information.
  • We ask that passengers requiring boarding assistance wait at the top of the access ramp located at the end of the platform.

Railroad Trespassing

  • Do not walk, run, play or take pictures on the railroad right-of-way.
  • If you are on or near the tracks, you are on private property and breaking the law.
  • Do not attempt to outrun an approaching train, it can take a train a mile or more to stop.
  • If you’re standing on the tracks, you may not hear or feel an oncoming train in time to get away safely.
  • Only cross the tracks at designated public crossings.

Grade Crossing Safety Tips

  • Trains cannot stop quickly. If the engineer can see you, it is already too late to stop for you.
  • Always know that the average train is three wider than the track on each side.
  • Always slow down and stop your vehicle before train tracks when lights begin to flash.
  • Do not drive or walk around lowered grade crossing gates.
  • Do not attempt to outrun an approaching train.
  • Do not stop your vehicle on a grade crossing while waiting for traffic to move.
  • Do not begin to drive across the tracks unless you can get all the way across.

Safety Videos

  • Ever stop to consider the dangers involved with walking on railroad tracks? It's illegal and potentially deadly. The only thing that belongs on a track is a train!
  • Dangerous behaviors by drivers, bicyclists & pedestrians can mean life or death at railroad crossings & along tracks. There are many victims in these incidents, including locomotive engineers & train crews. 
  • You can find blue and white Emergency Notification System (ENS) signs with an emergency phone number and railroad crossing IDs near all railroad crossings. If you notice any problem with a railroad track, call the number on the sign and give the ID numbers at the bottom of the sign to the operator.

    If your vehicle stalls on the tracks, immediately leave your car and call the number listed on the ENS sign.

The following safety PDFs, in English and Spanish, are available to download or print.

PDF Download Personal Safety Guidelines

PDF Download Emergency Evacuation Information

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

There is an AED located on board every Metrolink train operating systemwide. An AED is a portable electronic device that automatically can diagnose certain life-threatening cardiac conditions and can treat them through the application of electricity. To view the Red Cross AED demonstration video, click here.

Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver Rail Safety Education

Increasing the awareness of the potential dangers that exist at highway-rail grade crossings is an integral component of our safety education program. Therefore, we partner with Operation Lifesaver to maximize our impact on preventing highway rail grade crossing collision and trespass prevention.

Operation Lifesaver’s mission is to end collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and on rail property through a nationwide network of volunteers who work to educate people about rail safety.

Operation Lifesaver regularly provides speakers on railroad safety to visit with community groups, motorists, emergency responders, schools and professional drivers. To request a presentation, please click here.

Incident Reduction Task Force

The Incident Reduction Task Force (IRTF) meets regularly to share data and analyze risk with a mission to reduce railroad ROW incidents in Southern California through community partners’ collaboration, focusing on long-term solutions. The IRTF combines the resources and expertise of Authority staff, local law enforcement, social services, and Member Agencies to develop mitigation strategies to assist in preventing incidents.