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June 2024 Issue

CEO Message

Welcome to the June issue of the Metrolink Link newsletter!

This month, we’ve got a lineup of updates and initiatives that are sure to get you excited about the journey ahead.

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to our dedicated staff, who continue to push the innovation boundaries that help keep our railroad and communities safe. Our recent rollout of 'smart' technology at the Del Obispo Street crossing is yet another example of our team working together to not only meet the requests of a local community, but doing it ahead of schedule. Also, this month, our team’s participation at the APTA Rail Conference highlighted our commitment to advancing rail transportation and Metrolink was honored with industry-wide awards in rail safety, security, and emergency management. Kudos to all who have been making the extra effort this year, your contributions have not gone unnoticed.

As we usher in another SoCal summer, we have much to celebrate and much to look forward to. I hope you’ll take the time to learn more in this month’s edition of the Link.

June 2024 Issue