Uber Vouchers
Uber Vouchers
During Metrolink service disruptions when we are unable to secure alternate transportation, you may be offered an Uber Voucher that can be redeemed from your own Uber app account on your mobile device without any hassles! You may receive the Uber Voucher in a text, Tweet, Facebook post or through the Metrolink website chatting with the Digital Assistant.
Uber Voucher Instructions
- Click on or type in the Uber Voucher link of up to $50.
- If you already have the Uber app on your phone, the voucher should be applied directly to your account. If you don't have the Uber app, it should direct you to download the app from your phone's app store.
- Once you see the voucher under the "Payment" tab, then "Voucher" section, you can now call for a ride as you normally would. You will be able to see a list of your active and inactive vouchers. Keep in mind, there will be geographical and time parameters with the voucher, so be sure to call from a Metrolink station on the day of the service interruption, within three hours of the voucher posting.
- Enter the destination in the "Where to?" box. From there, you can also change your "Current Location" to be picked up in a different area. Again, you will need to be within the geographical parameters of the station.
- Once your Uber driver arrives, double check their license plate to be sure this is your correct ride.
- Complete your ride and continue on to your final destination!*
*Uber Vouchers for Metrolink have a limit of $50.00 USD. The voucher itself has no cash equivalent value.
**If the ride selected is more than the $50.00 USD limit, you will be charged for the difference in ride cost. For example, if your ride from Covina to Santa Ana is $52.05, you will be charged $2.05 to your personal payment method stored in the app.
***The voucher must be redeemed for a ride within three hours of the voucher posting. It may not be redeemed at a different date/time.
Note: Before confirming the ride, the system will request a personal payment form other than the voucher. Personal payment form will only be used for a difference in cost if ride exceeds $50