Green Community
Earth Day – April 22
Earth Day originated in 1970 and is an annual event celebrated on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Earth Day is widely recognized as the largest secular observance in the world, marked by more than a billion people every year as a day of action to change human behavior and create global, national and local policy changes. Metrolink celebrates Earth Day by hosting a variety of events including sustainability-focused webinars with expert guest speakers, Metrolink ticket give a ways and volunteer community activities. Our Earth Day sustainability events give Metrolink an opportunity to connect with our riders, employees and members of our community to promote a sustainable lifestyle and to protect our natural environment. For every 1,000 people who choose to take the train over driving, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 23,472 pounds, which is the equivalent of the carbon sequestered by a 12-acre forest, the size of 10 football fields—every day.
Bike Month is celebrated each May and Bike to Work week which originated in 1955 by the League of American Bicyclists is celebrated each year during the third week in May. The campaign promotes biking as a healthy and safe alternative for commuting but it also raises awareness so that both cyclists and drivers can share the road together safely. Metrolink engages the community to participate in a variety of campaign activities including bike give a ways, bicycle safety training and promotes free train rides for cyclists. Every Metrolink train includes a dedicated bike car with storage space for up to six bicycles. In addition to the bike car, all other passenger cars can accommodate cyclists. By partnering with Southern California organizations such as the Los Angeles Bike Coalition (LABC), Metrolink encourages more people to discover the benefits that cycling with Metrolink can offer. The combination of public transportation and cycling for first and last mile travel leads to positive long-term impacts on the health and wellbeing of riders and our environment.
Car Free Day is an international event celebrated each year on September 22 in which people of all ages are encouraged to move around the city without the use of a car. The campaign promotes using alternative modes such as public transit, carpooling, bicycles, walking and telecommuting which all help to reduce traffic, conserve energy, reduce harmful emissions, and save money. Bicycling to work is a fun, healthy, eco-friendly and safe alternative to driving alone. Metrolink encourages Southern California to leave their cars behind and take Metrolink whenever they can throughout the year.
A unified day of action to build new habits in clearing the air and improving the community health for all members of California. The Clean Air Pledge is celebrated on the first Wednesday each October and allows individuals and organizations to commit to do our part to clear the air, through actions big and small. Metrolink is a proud supporter of this campaign and encourages all to take the pledge and make an impact to improve the air we breathe.
APTA Sustainability Pledge

Metrolink has officially made the pledge commitment and is achieving the core principles of the program by integrating sustainability into strategic objectives, developing an employee engagement program and establishing goals and targets for environmental reduction efforts. This program will serve as the foundational framework in building a comprehensive sustainability strategy and chart a course for continual environmental improvement to enhance the quality of life for the communities we serve
Transportation Electrification Partnership

An unprecedented multi-year partnership among local, regional,and state stakeholders to accelerate transportation electrification and zero emissions mobility and goods movement in the Greater Los Angeles region. As a participating member of the TEP, Metrolink actively contributes toward accelerating the Partnership’s progressive GHG and air pollution reduction goals by 2028.
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Connect SoCal Plan

SCAG worked collaboratively with Metrolink and other transportation agencies to develop a Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy called Connect SoCal. This comprehensive and transformative plan charts a path toward a more mobile, sustainable and prosperous region by making connections between transportation networks and land use strategies to improve the quality of life for Southern Californians. The plan includes policies, projects and programs at the intersection of land use, transportation and technology to close the gap and reach greenhouse gas reduction goals for the region.