Small Business Partnership Program
The Small Business Partnership Program (SBPP) is a free program created to support local small businesses like yours. Our goal is to help more small businesses compete for agency contracts and eliminate barriers to drive equity and representation among agency contractors. Working together, we can strengthen our local economy, and make Metrolink a stronger agency by capitalizing on the innovation that local small businesses provide.

Program Criteria

We value our riders—help us keep moving them forward.
SBPP was created for local small businesses within Metrolink’s six-county service area that includes: Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County, North San Diego County, San Bernardino County, and Ventura County.
This program is for you if you meet one of the following criteria…
- Are headquartered in Metrolink’s six-county service area
- Had an annual revenue of $1M or less for the last three years
- Are a small business as defined by the SBA
- Are a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) as certified by CUCP
- Both nonprofit and for-profit businesses are eligible.

Our Approach
What could you do with more training and more capital?
SBPP uses a unique “wrap-around” approach to address the three most common needs for long-term small business growth: Opportunity, Capital, and Capacity.

Upon completion, you will receive a “contract ready” designation. This identifies you as a business capable of fulfilling Metrolink contracts with excellence – including those that are federally funded.

A partnership with financial services from Lendistry, grants you access to loans, while additional partnerships provide access to bonding and insurance.

Participants in SBPP receive training from Center by Lendistry, to gain capacity-building skills to help them compete for and fulfill agency contracts.
Get “Contract Ready”
The SBPP is 100% complimentary (no cost for businesses to participate) designed to help you access capital and capacity-building training so that you can better compete for Metrolink contracts. Register now to start accessing program tools and resources and to receive important announcements.

Small Business Resources

No, you do not have to complete the Small Business Partnership Program in order to compete for Metrolink contracts. However, in order take advantage of the program’s special contract opportunities and incentives e.g. local preference points, prompt payment, etc., you must have a “Contract Ready” designation by meeting program requirements.
After completing the registration, within five business days you will be contacted by a Business Advisor from our partner, The Center.
The Business Advisor will schedule time to assess your business goals, capacity, capability and contingencies to provide services and products to Metrolink. The assessment may include reviewing your certification(s), business documentation such as licenses. At that time, you will also discuss any recommended business development training.
By completing the program and being designated contract ready, you are visible to sourcing specialists throughout the Company. Please visit the procurement/contract listing to identify opportunities for which you may qualify. This can sometimes be a lengthy process and your patience and understanding are appreciated.
Eligible participants must meet one of the following:
- Small Business
As defined by the SBA - Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Certification awarded by CUCP - Microbusiness
Revenues of $1M or less for three consecutive years - Local Small Business
Has headquarters within Metrolink’s service area: Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County, North San Diego County, San Bernardino County, and Ventura County - For profit or non-profit Small Business
All applicants are accepted into the program as long as they meet the Small Business Partnership Program eligibility criteria.
Yes. At this time, you will also need to pre-register in the Small Business Partnership Program.
Metrolink procures a full range of products and services in the areas of Materials & Equipment, Public Works, Architectural/Engineering, Professional Services and Miscellaneous Services. A detailed list can be found at Doing Business with Metrolink.
Metrolink is continuously in need of various services to support its many projects taking place throughout the region. Current procurement needs can be found at Open and Upcoming Procurements.
Yes, you can participate in the Small Business Partnership Program. You simply need to register.
There is no maximum length for participation at this time, as long as you continue to meet the program eligibility requirements.
You may choose to end your participation within the program at any time. However, at that time, you will no longer receive program benefits.
Contract ready reflects a company that has the capability, capacity and contingencies to compete for and service Metrolink contracts with excellence.
No, there is no cost for participating in the Small Business Partnership Program.