Rail Modernization @ Union Station
Metrolink’s Rail Modernization @ Union Station project included replacing railroad tracks, switches and upgrading the signal system which controls train movements. It also supported the local economy by generating approximately 1,300 jobs.
Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS) was originally built in 1939 and since then Metrolink has maintained the railroad track with minor improvements. However, this project is a major rehabilitation of this critical railroad infrastructure that will allow us to continue providing safe service, while building the rail system of the future.
The Rail Modernization @ Union Station project was split into three phases. In Phase 1, rehabilitation work included replacing worn rail in the five (5) railroad tracks going into and out of LAUS, this work began in September 2020. Phase 2 included the replacement of platform tracks at Union Station and started in early 2021.The signal system was modernized going into 2022. Phase 3 included modernization of the tracks, signals and components taking place in 2022.
All of these improvements were needed to maintain safe and reliable service and to allow for the efficient movement of trains into the future. The entire project was completed in July of 2023.

Continued safe, reliable service by replacing aging and outdated railroad tracks, switch and signal infrastructure with a modern and resilient system that will bring the existing track to current Metrolink standards.

The modernized signal system will use advanced technology that will allow the smooth operation of future train service.
Frequently Asked Questions
This work was done along the railroad tracks between Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS) and Los Angeles River.
LAUS was originally built in 1939 and much of the existing railroad tracks have not been replaced. However, this project is a major rehabilitation and modernization of this critical railroad infrastructure that will allow us to continue providing safe service, while building the rail system of the future.
Because passenger trains use these railroad tracks during the day, much of this work had to occur at night. However, disruptions to the community was not continuous during the project. We notified the community in advance when more involved work that resulted in disruption occurred.
The project began in September 2020 and was completed in July 2023.
Construction activities in the form of construction equipment, sounds, vibration and dust from construction activities and lights from light towers took place. Our team worked very hard to minimize any disruption to the adjacent communities and businesses.
If you have any questions, please call Sylvia Novoa, Community Relations Manager (Se habla español) at 213-452-0300 or Laurene Lopez, Public Affairs Manager at 213-452-0433.
Metrolink is Southern California's commuter rail service enabling people to connect to their jobs and explore all that the region has to offer. Every year, Metrolink has nearly 12 million boardings from people who ditch their cars to avoid gridlock, removing an estimated 9.3 million vehicles from the roads and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 130,000 metric tons. Metrolink is the largest commuter rail agency in California and the third largest in the United States operating seven lines along a 538-mile network that travels across Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.
Aside from enabling Metrolink to provide safe public transportation, this project generated 1,300 jobs.
To receive the latest news, updates, and information regarding the Rail Modernization @ Union Station, please contact Laurene Lopez at 213-452-0433 or email at [email protected].
Nov. 2023
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