Cigar Exchange/Pacific Wine Merchants
The Cigar Exchange/Pacific Wine Merchants shop in Upland has been serving the community for almost 25 years, offering a hand-picked selection of wines by the glass, craft beers on tap, and hand-crafted cigars in a large, walk-in humidor space.
Visitors can enjoy the generous selection of goods on-site in the shop’s sizable and relaxing, cigar-friendly outdoor patio. The patio traditionally hosts live music every Friday and Saturday night featuring a variety of talented local artists.
The employees at Pacific Wine Merchants are friendly and knowledgeable. They’re known for taking extra time to explain more about the story behind each individual type of wine and cigar at the shop whenever a visitor is interested in learning more about the trade.
It’s a friendly and welcoming local store, with a lively, cheery atmosphere to spend an evening with friends or family members in Upland.
- Nearest Station
- Upland
- Address
- 210 E A St
Upland, CA 91786 - Phone
- (800) 871-6077
- Website
Take the Metrolink San Bernardino Line to the Upland Station
Walk west on A St to the destination located in the old train depot
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Free train rides for children 17 years old and younger on Saturdays and Sundays when accompanied by a fare-paying adult.
$10 Weekends
Ride Metrolink with the $10 Weekend Day Pass. Valid system-wide on either Saturday or Sunday.
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