As part of the Southern California Optimized Rail Expansion (SCORE) Program, the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metrolink) is advancing the Marengo Siding Extension Project (Project). The new rail infrastructure would be constructed along the existing San Bernardino Line, and entirely within Metrolink’s right-of-way in the City of Los Angeles, near the Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center and west of Metrolink Cal State LA Station.
The project would maintain the existing main track and construct the new siding track to the north and end near the railroad right-of-way near the curve at Fowler Street. The project would extend the existing siding to the east by 3,325 feet. The extension will increase the total siding length to approximately 10,250 feet.
The project will improve the rail system by including:
- New signals, signal houses and a signal tower
- A new turnout, which is the point where trains can be guided from one track to another; and
- Improvements to Marengo and Soto Street overpass
Project Map
Project Timeline
Safer, more reliable service – this project, when combined with other SCORE Phase I projects, will provide safety improvements and more frequent service when demand and funding exist. With the new siding track and combined with the El Monte project, in the future passengers will go to a train station and wait no more than 30 minutes for the next train in either direction.
Improved on-time performance for the San Bernardino Line which will reduce passengers commute time and train delays.
Less idling time will reduce emissions.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metrolink) is advancing the Marengo Siding Extension Project to inspect, repair and maintain the existing track to operate smoothly and safely, while constructing a new siding track.
The new rail infrastructure would be constructed along the existing San Bernardino Line, and entirely within Metrolink’s right-of-way in the City of Los Angeles, near the Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center west of the Metrolink Cal State LA Station. The Project would maintain the main track in its existing location and construct the new siding track to the north and ending near the railroad right-of-way near the curve at Fowler Street. The project would extend the existing siding to the east by 3,325 feet. The extension will increase the total siding length to approximately 10,250 feet. Extending the existing siding will relocate the area where trains pass one another, providing a longer passing siding for passenger trains.
The project would also involve the protection-in-place of existing utilities, including existing drainage structures, or relocation where utility structures conflict with the proposed alignment.
The Marengo Siding Extension Project would generate jobs and business opportunities, enhance safety for pedestrians, vehicles, and trains, improve service operations, and enable more frequent and reliable Metrolink service. Each year an increase in commuter rail ridership in Los Angeles County will generate new pedestrians and bicyclists, taking vehicles off the road, and reducing congestion and emissions, long term, for a better environment. The increased movement in everyday lives will improve the populations overall health and wellness while providing access to essential transportation.
Improvements on the Marengo Siding Extension Project will increase train and passenger capacity by enabling more frequent train service at least every 30 minutes in both directions. The station improvements and track updates would allow Metrolink to provide passengers with more reliable and safer service. This relocation can improve Metrolink's service operation by minimizing the distance of the single-track territory and providing a longer passing siding for passenger trains. A reduction in train idling will allow passengers to make quicker transfers.
The Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) was commissioned to produce a study assessing the impact of the construction investment of the SCORE program. The benefits from SCORE will make the region increasingly attractive for the millions projected to arrive for the 2028 Summer Olympics and create regional prosperity in the decades to come. When service demand and future funding exist, Los Angeles County residents can expect to see 45,700 new jobs and $9.801 billion in gross regional product by 2028. By 2050, there will be 704,900 new jobs and an collective total of $356 billion in economic activity.
Roundtable Videos
Marengo Siding Roundtable Video - English
Marengo Siding Roundtable Video - Español
Project Presentation - English
Project Presentation - Español
Project Display Boards - English
Project Display Boards - Español